Wednesday, August 29, 2007

First 2 Weeks in Dakar

Hey folks!
As most of you know, I am here in a country called Senegal for the time being. I am studying the local languages of French and Wolof in the countries capital of Dakar. Senegal is a francophile country in West Africa, but don't be fooled, Wolof is spoken much more frequently than French. Adjusting to this country has been very difficult so far but it has been very enjoyable as well ...I have learned so much already. My trip began with several inconveniences like lost luggage that I finally got after 2 weeks, financial aid not coming through, and health issues i.e. intestinal issues. They call it Dakarhea because everyone gets it when they travel here, and everyone did get it ...everyone talked openly about it too it was pretty funny.

Things are starting to work out finally and fall into place. I moved in with my host family 3 days ago and they are very nice. They are a Catholic too, which is rare in this country.

I grabbed some pictures of the area from a friend of mine since I haven't taken any of my own. I really wanted to post some of the area for people to see.
Here's the campus of my new university:

Until next time! More pictures to come!