Monday, April 14, 2008

Xibaar Yi

So, since the last time I updated I've been up to quite a bit I guess. For spring break I took a trip south to the neighboring country of Guinea. It was pretty crazy, but it was an incredibly beautiful country. The region of Guinea we visited was known as Futa Jallon, the source of all the big rivers that come from West Africa. So it was very wet. We visited near 6 gigantic waterfalls.

I'm taking a class on environment problems in Senegal and we got the chance to visit the city's landfill known as Mbeubeus. Verrrrry disgusting trip! But worth it. The other picture is from Hann Bay, which used to be one of the most beautiful beaches in the world; due to pollution it's now one of the world's most polluted. Pretty sad.

For Easter weekend, I went to the Lompoul Desert and rode camels! Lompoul is not quite the Sahara but it is very close, and it is a desert in fact!

Latest trip we took was to the Sine Saloum Islands. Our school took us all so we didn't have to worry about expenses aw yeah! We visited a Seerer village called Bazouk which was very cool. Seerer is one of the ethnic groups which actually refused Islam and embraced Christianity. They are a very minority group here though. In their village, they actually had a church and all the people wore Crosses around their necks instead of Islamic icons! It was very, very cool! My family is Seerer too, and I learned a bit of the language from being there. Our class actually participated in their traditional wrestling tournament as well which was pretty freakin' cool. I don't have a very good picture of this trip, but here's one of me and the guys on our porch!